Tuesday, October 28, 2008

apple stickers & rose-colored glasses

apple stickers & rose-colored glasses Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 11:32pm on FB

OK, so I want to test out some smilies on the notes, then I’ll write something more substantial.
I tested & the smilies don't work here. Too bad.

Substantial. Hmmmm…

I like fruit, but I don’t like standin’ around in the grocery store pickin’ through all the fruit to get the best pieces. I like to get in & get out. I’m on a mission. I go in with a list & mark it off as I go. I don’t like to browse or window shop. Also, when you have a 3 year old in the cart, you don’t have a lot of time to mess around.

You know those stickers that are on the fruit that you buy at the grocery store? The stickers that have the numbers on them so that the cashier knows the code to input so you’re charged correctly. Well, (nothing to do with the numbers-that’s just a rabbit trail. he he) I bought some apples. I was peeling the sticker off an apple, to wash it & slice it for Abbie. Under the strategically placed sticker was a BIG HOLE! Obviously, if I had known about the HOLE in that apple, I would have passed on it. (I just cut the hole out & went on slicing. The apple was fine.)

All that for this…the sticker got me thinking about a word picture that I came across years ago in something I was reading. When we have sin in our lives (we all do), it separates us from God. But Jesus’ blood covered our sin (if you accepted His forgiveness-if not, then ask me about it) & allows us to have a relationship with God. I still sin. I ask forgiveness. God forgives me. When I don’t ask forgiveness, that effects my relationship with God. Not that God sees me as a sinner--no! But when I look at God, it’s hard to see Him through my sin. But--when GOD looks at me, (OH, here it is!) God sees me though the blood of Jesus--through rose-colored glasses-if you will. He sees me as already forgiven! I’ve got a Jesus sticker covering my “hole of sin.” I’m so glad, grateful, awed (words cannot describe the feeling) by God’s grace & mercy to me through forgiveness. I hope you know His forgiveness in your life, too.

Psalm 32:1 “Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” NIVPsalm 85:2 “You forgave the iniquity of Your people; You covered all their sin. Selah.” NASB

Comments Posted on FB:

Amanda Lynn Klos at 8:01am October 29
I like how God speaks volumes to you through the simple things in life! :) So cool.

Diana Lynn Scott at 10:51am October 29
Please write a BOOK!

Michelle Miskelley at 10:32pm October 29
That was...so gentle, if you will. Very simple and very true. Isn't God wonderful?!

Julie Meeker at 10:44pm October 29
ok pam, God has gifted you so keep writing these notes sister : )

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meaningless dribble

Meaningless dribble Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 11:21am on FB

Hey, I just got finished going through all "my friends" & reading their notes, if any. I'm surprised more people don’t write notes. It’s like therapy for me to write.

By the way, thanks Amanda, for all your wonderful notes. Inspiring. You might like the song, Surrender, by Barlow Girl. I’ll try to remember to send it to you, next time I’m on iLike.

I don’t think many people read these things, unless you tag them in the note. So pretty much, I could write anything I want & no one would ever know. Should I confess all my secret sins…..Scream about all the injustices in the world….(brought about by my sin, no doubt, ha ha. We live in a fallen world. Can't wait to get to heaven!)….Ramble on about meaningless dribble….Hmmmmm…..

Let’s start with meaningless dribble--that’s safe. Has anyone noticed the little spot under your profile picture, on your wall, where you can write something about yourself? You can make up anything, or write something true. My last tidbit of info on me was that I'm SCUBA certified. Of course, I haven't logged a dive since March 1991, on the North Shore in Oahu. The East Coast just isn't the same. The water is colder, not as clear & there is always the fear of JAWS! (Julie, I’m still afraid.) But, Kaneohe Bay has a LOT of hammer head sharks. You can see them if you stand on the pier & look over. Frightening!

The way I came about SCUBA diving, wasn’t so pleasant, so I won’t go into it. But I will say, that if you ever visit the island of Oahu, in Hawaii, you must visit Hanauma Bay. It’s great for snorkeling! The bay is protected from large waves and the reef is just a few feet from the water's edge. The water there is shallow and crystal clear. There are so many varieties of fish & sea life. But be careful not to step on the coral. It‘s alive. (When I lived there, we used to joke about the Japanese tourists always feeding the fish frozen peas at Hanauma Bay.) It’s a beautiful site to look down on the bay from the side of the mountain that you park on. You have to walk down to the bay, which means that you have to walk back UP to your car, when it‘s time to go. (I lived there long before digital cameras, so sorry I don’t have any pictures readily available to post.) I don’t understand how anyone who looks at God’s wonderful creation cannot help but praise Him! Or, if one doesn’t know God, how can you not help but ask yourself, isn’t there more to this life than just me?

Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. “ NIV

And truly, I reiterate, . . nothing's small!
No lily-muffled hum of a summer-bee,
But finds some coupling with the spinning stars;
No pebble at your foot, but proves a sphere;
No chaffinch, but implies the cherubim:
And,–glancing on my own thin, veined wrist,–
In such a little tremour of the blood
The whole strong clamour of a vehement soul
Doth utter itself distinct. Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God:
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries,
And daub their natural faces unaware
More and more, from the first similitude.
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning

If you are on Oahu, there is a little place up the Kalanianaole Hwy, from Hanauma Bay, called the Blow Hole, by the locals. That’s a great place to SCUBA dive. Easy to get in & out of the water, on the little beach inlet. (Martin, you’ll have to dive in HI someday!) Diving off the North Shore was O.K., but trying to get out of the water with all your gear on was a challenge. You have to time the waves just right so they land you up on the lava rocks without you getting smashed on them. You really don’t want to get smashed on the rocks & start bleeding in the ocean with all those sharks around! But enough about Hawaii. It has bad memories for me.

I think I’ll write a tidbit about Karate next…. Did you know that I hold a green belt in Chutoku Ryu Karate? I do. I was tested in the summer of 2004, & received my belt. Then, I got pregnant with Abbie in September 2004 and that was the end of Karate. I still like to think that I’ll practice Karate again someday. I’ve been looking for my student manual, but can’t seem to find it. It’s a good read. The dojo I went to was run by Karate for Christ, http://www.karateforchrist.net/index.html. (Sorry, they are only located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.) You were required to learn scripture, as well as learn the art, in order to achieve your belt level. Martial arts help us develop strong bodies, alert minds & spiritual discipline. At Karate for Christ, Biblical values are incorporated into the classes, teaching students moral & ethical standards from a scriptural point of view.

Romans 12:1-2 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." NIV

Enough meaningless dribble for one day. Now, I would like my friends to start writing notes, so that I have something to read while browsing Facebook!

Comments Posted on FB:

Julie Meeker at 12:49pm October 18
Pam your " meaningless dribble " is quite profound at times and always points back to God so it is definately not meaningless !!!

Amanda Lynn Klos at 5:55pm October 18
God actually used that song to speak to my heart earlier this year about letting go of my dream of marrying a certain someone. Such a good song! :)I was actually thinking yesterday about writing notes again/writing in my livejournal again. A friend had told me yesterday that "experience means nothing unless you reflect." I love to write, but I haven't really had time to write and reflect on what God is teaching me. I've thought about it and discussed it with friends, but I share my heart so much better through writing. :) Thanks for the encouragement, you shall see a note from me soon!

Michelle Miskelley at 10:01pm October 19
I never knew you could write notes like this. Diana is suppose to come over Tues to show me more about facebook..I have had it for months and never really did a whole lot with it...don't know how...but that is not going to be the case for much longer(: I think I am going to strat writing little notes.

Amanda Lynn Klos at 10:28pm October 19
Yeah! Michelle! :) I'd love to read notes written by you. C:

Pamela J Meeker at 11:19pm October 19
Piece of advice: if you're going to write a long note, type it out in Word or Works first, then hit spell check, then copy & paste it to your notes on facebook, then hopefully, you won't be embarrassed by minor mistakes. Of course, we can't avoid all embarressments. That's what makes life funny.

Wendy Cottone at 5:56pm October 27
Pam: I don’t understand how anyone who looks at God’s wonderful creation cannot help but praise Him!************************************************************Wendy Says: That is SO true Pam. My stepson is a self proclaimed atheist. So, on the occasion we do get in a semi-heated debate about the existence or lack thereof of God, and my point is this:How can one look around and see the beauty and the perfect order of the universe, consider the web of life and still not believe that there is a God?I just don't get it but I know he does not look at the world the same way I do.

Monday, October 13, 2008


ambidextrous-not Monday, October 13, 2008 at 7:35pm on FB

I can write with both my left & right hands. Of course, the writing of one is more legible than the other.

Comments Posted on FB:

Pamela J Meeker at 9:59pm October 13
Are you left handed or right handed??

Warren Meeker at 9:36am October 14
I'm barely dextrous

Patti Fife at 5:49pm October 21
I talk with both hands.

Banjos, singing rocks, & mares

Banjos, singing rocks, & mares Monday, October 13, 2008 at 12:03am on FB

It was wonderful being brought up in a home with music. Thanks Mom & Dad. From Mom singing "Mares Eat Oats" (words below), to Dad singing "In them old cotton fields back home...", & "Did you ever go sailing down the river of memory..." We listened to albums & 8-tracks to cassettes. Remember the Chipmunks every Christmas? And Elvis? And Grandpa, Dad & Uncle Bob playing dueling banjos down in Grandma & Grandpa's basement/family room (in Allen Park)? (Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyKvD-4IxOY. I don't suggest watching the whole movie--it made me sick.) I used to run around the room WILD when they played that. I wasn't the ONLY wild child. I think Billy joined me, although his wild was a bit reserved compared to me.

Anybody remember watching "The Sound of Music" on TV every year?

The first real concert I ever attended was Michael Card. Diana took me (for my 15th birthday) & Wendy (Wendy, did Val come with us, too?) to a church in Trenton(?) where it was just Michael Card & his cellist. Thanks Di. Di also got me started on Amy Grant (though I don't keep up with her now.) AND praise songs....check out Diana Scott on iLike!

I think Rachel & Rhonda got me started in the choir. Actually, I used to ride home from church on Wednesday nights with Ruby Ursiny. She was in choir practice & I had to wait for her after church. Rachel was practicing, too, & invited me up to the loft to sing soprano with her. The soprano section was not easy for me! I sat by Rhonda while singing hymns in church & Rhonda "taught" me how to sing alto (learned to follow the notes.) I love singing harmony! Thanks Rhonda! I listened to you & figured it out, easy. Rhonda also got me listening to Michael W. Smith. Hey Rhonda, do you remember that Sunday that I tripped coming down from the choir loft & bumped into Rachel & almost took her out on the way down the stairs. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants (pantyhose)! And my Uncle Lonnie (pastor) was not too happy about the distraction. 'Course, as a teenager, it was an embarrassing moment, too.

I started listening to SCC somewhere in here & Veggie Tales came out, too.

When I met Jim, he introduced me to many new artists, like Third Day, The Kry, Nouveaux, Wes King, Nichole Nordeman and so on. Cool music. Thanks Jim. ('Course Jim had a "formal" music upbringing--I'll let him tell about that in his own note.) Then Di got me listening to Chris Rice in the mid 90's. Thanks Di--Rice is my favorite so far.

I'd rather sing harmony than melody. Patti, you remember Mom & Dad driving us to church & we sang this song together..."Won't you play a simple melody, one my mother sang to me? One with good old fashioned harmony, play a simple melody..."?? I looked it up--it's on a record by Bing Crosby (I originally posted the YouTube link on FB, but it has since been removed from YouTube.)

Then there was the year I played the guitar. I learned just a few major chords--enough to play praise songs (+ the capo) at church every Sunday. When we moved to San Diego, I didn't play in church anymore & lost the skill. Priorities. You lose it if you don't use it.

Anyway, now I'm just singing lullaby's & ABC's. When Abbie was born in 2005, my love for music was put on the back burner. No time to listen to CD's. No money to buy them. I can't sing in the choir now, since I'm always in the nursery. Oh well. I'll get a music life again someday. I did buy some new CD's recently. (New to me.) I'm catching up slowly.

One song I'll never forget is about singing rocks. I was in an ensemble at Enon back in the mid 90's. We sang this song with the words, "If we keep our voices silent, all creation will RISE AND SHOUT! If we fail to praise you Father, then will the very rocks cry out!" I love that song. Thanks to Becky Kelley for inviting me to sing alto with the ensemble!

"When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." -- Luke 19:37-40 NIV

Mares eat oats & does eat oats & little lambs eat ivyAkid'lleativytoo, wouldn't you?The words sound queer & funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled & jivyOooooh, mares eat oats & does eat oats & little lambs eat ivyAkid'lleativytoo, wouldn't you?

Comments Posted on FB:

Diana Lynn Scott at 8:49am October 13
You have a great memory! YOU should write a book! I'm serious!

Pamela J Meeker at 8:57am October 13
Oh yeah...I forgot to mention....do you remember watching the Osmonds, The Sony & Cher show, Captain & Tenile, The Partridge family, The Monkeys, the cartoons Beatles & the Jackson 5???

Pamela J Meeker at 4:57pm October 13
I think that when we get to heaven, we will all be able to sing the correct notes/key/pitch at all time. (And remember all the words!) Hey, maybe I'll be able to sing melody & harmony at the same time!!! Wouldn't that be cool? It could happen. You just wait & see.

Pamela J Meeker at 7:36pm October 13
Hey Di, do you still have the 12-string, or does Dad? Does Dad have Grandpa's banjo or madolin? Can you play the banjo?

Rhonda Pennington Newton at 9:02pm October 13
very cool story!! thanks for sharing it :)

Diana Lynn Scott at 7:38am October 14
Since it was a graduation present I have my 12 string. I have never played the banjo Bryan Belvins did. Grandma gave me Grandpas Mandolin.

Dorothy B Harrison at 4:18pm October 17
The song we sang a lot when the bigger girls were little was bingo. there was a man who had a dog and bingo was his name o ; b- i- n- g-o, b- i- n- g-o, b- i- n- g-o, and bingo was his name o. Patti loved this song and sang it the most. God bless, dad

Dawn Lee Hobbins at 6:19pm October 17
I remember mom singing 'Hush little baby don't say a word' when you were born P.J. I could teach Jim the words if he wants to sing it to you sometimes. HA! Ha! Maybe just the first seven words...tee! Hee! " Hush little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird. If that mocking bird don't sing, momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns brass, momma's gonna buy you a looking glass. If that looking glass gets broke, momma's gonna buy you a billy goat. If that billy goat rolls over,Momma's gonna buy you a doggie named Rover. If that doggie named Rover won't bark, Momma's gonna buy you a horsie and a cart. If that horsie and cart breaks down...You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town." I sang that to all my babies and I've sang it to Jack the last two times I've babysat him. I remember dad singing "Old Dan Tucker was a good old man. Washed his face in a frying pan, combed his hair with a wagon wheel and died with a toothache in his heel. Get out the way old Dan Tucker, It's too late to eat your supper. Supper's over and breakfast's cookin. Old Dan Tucker'd just stand there lookin....

Pamela J Meeker at 10:01pm October 17
Hey, what's Dad doin' typing on Mom's facebook??? Dad needs to get an account, too!

Yeah Dawn, I remember Dad singing Old Dan Tucker-but I only remembered the chorus, thanks for fillin' in the other works.

I remember BINGO, too. BINGO is the first song I ever played on the guitar. Diana held the chords on the fret & I strummed. (At least when I was little, 5-6, I thought I was playin' the guitar--thanks Di.) I remember mom singing the mocking bird song, too. (What a surprise when I first heard Carly Simon sing it & it was not the same as Mom's!) Mom also sang the Kitty Cat song & How much is that doggie in the window & Oh where Oh where has my little dog gone. (She used to sing that last one while she was towel drying my hair.)

Kitty cat, kitty cat, meow, meow, isn't she a pretty kitty. All day long she can be seen, lickin' her fur to keep real clean. Kitty cat, kitty cat, meow, meow, isn't she a pretty kitty. Her fur is as soft as silk, because she always drinks her milk. Kitty cat, kitty cat, meow, meow, isn't she a pretty kitty.

How much is that doggie in the window, the one with the waggley tail? How much is that doggie in the window, I do hope that doggie's for sale. How much is that doggie in the window, how much could that poor doggie be? How much is that doggie in the window, I want that poor doggie for me.

I made up NEW words for Rock-a-bye baby. (The original version scared me as a child.) Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree tops, when the wind blows the cradle will rock, when the bough breaks the cradle will fall & MOM CATCHES BABY, cradle & all. (Sounds better if the baby is caught, rather than just falling. Aye?)

Pamela J Meeker at 10:06pm October 17
Anyone know the words to the song "... in them old cotton fields back home"?

Pamela J Meeker at 10:08pm October 17
Did you ever go sailing down the river of memory
where a little log cabin is nestled among the sycamore trees
where the sunshine is cheery & nothin' in the world is dreary
at the end of my river
my river of memory

Pamela J Meeker at 10:09pm October 17
I think Patti liked the BINGO song so much because it was about a dog!

Diana Lynn Scott at 11:48pm October 17
In an old ram shackled shack where in dreams I wander back , back to where they sing those southern melodies. It was there where I was born on a bright october morn in the cabin at the end of my river of memories........Did you ever go sailing.....etc.. You forgot the beginning :)

Pamela J Meeker at 9:41am October 18
Thanks for the words Di. Now, do you remember the words to the cotton fields song? It's time to harvest the cotton around here, now.

April Harrison at 10:10am October 19
I only have the vaguest of memories of dad and Di playing guitar at Grandma's down south, thanks for reminding me :) Ahhhhhh...warm fuzzies...I do, however, have a virtual smorgasbord of memories of listening to Elvis! Thanks to dad. Ha! ...and I don't know the cotton field song but I know BINGO!!

Pamela J Meeker at 11:06pm October 19
April, I bet your Dad knows the cotton fields song. Ask if he still knows how to play dueling banjos.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do the Math

Do the Math Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 8:12am on FB

You ever notice how a lot of women on facebook (myself included), & a hand full of men, refrain from allowing their year of birth to be shown on their profiles? Yet, if you look at their info tab, & scroll down to "Education" you can see the year that they graduated from high school. Hmmmmm.......

Off that....I was alive in the 60's. No, I hadn't seen the light of day, or filled my lungs with breathe, but I was alive--my heart was beating. (Di, that means that you were alive in the 50's!!!gag)

Just something for you to think about.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." -- Psalm 139:13-16 NIV

note to readers: This post makes more sense if you are familiar with Facebook.
I now show the year I was born on FB, also. Just so you know, it's 01/23/1970.